School Uniform
School Uniform
We believe that a simple uniform is helpful in establishing high standards of appearance in school. By wearing it children quickly feel proud to be part of our school community. School uniform with the logo is available from Philips Man's Shops via their website. We have a summer and winter uniform, details of which can be found below.
Click here to see an example of our uniform and to order online.
Winter Uniform
School logo V-neck jumper (order from Philip Man's) or plain navy knitted jumper / cardigan
Plain white shirt (not polo)
School tie (elasticated ties are available for Year R /1; children are encouraged to wear a regular tie from Year 2)
Long grey ‘school’ trousers / grey skirt / pinafore
Grey, navy or white socks / grey or navy tights
School coat or plain dark coat (waterproof)
Black or navy school shoes (not trainer style or trainers)
School logo woolly hat (optional)
Summer Uniform
Navy/white checked shirt (order from Philip Man's) or plain white short-sleeved shirt (not polo)
Grey ‘school’ shorts / grey skirt
Navy blue and white gingham summer dress
Grey, navy or white socks
School logo V-neck jumper (order from Philip Man's) or plain navy knitted jumper / cardigan
School coat or plain dark coat (waterproof)
Black or navy school shoes
School sunhat or plain navy, white or black sunhat
PE Kit
School PE T-shirt: Navy with red shoulder fleck (order from Philip Man's)
Navy shorts or Navy skorts
Plain navy socks for EYFS and KS1; red and blue hooped socks are suggested for outdoor winter sports for KS2 (order from Philip Man's)
Navy tracksuit bottoms or plain navy leggings
Hooded pullover with logo (order from Philip Man's)
Trainers for outdoor use
School Bags
All children require a suitable navy waterproof rucksack or bag large enough to take A4 folders and a range of books and equipment. Bags should not carry overt brand logos such as football teams etc.
Book bag with school logo - compulsory for years R, 1 and 2 (order from Philip Man's)
PE bag (with or without school logo)
Waterproof coat and wellies (Year R)
Hi-vis jacket with school logo - compulsory for all years (order from Philip Man's)
Please note:
- Most items can be purchased second-hand from the PTA.
- All items must be of traditional school style.
- For health and safety requirements, ties must always be tied and worn correctly.
- Long hair (girls and boys) should be tied back with discreet plain or gingham (summer uniform only) navy hairbands or hair ties.
- All clothing and shoes MUST be clearly named.
- Jewellery (except watches) is not permitted (please see note on earrings below).
- Make-up, nail varnish and transfer/temporary tattoos are not permitted.
One pair of plain gold or silver small stud earrings are permitted. Earrings must be removed for PE or covered in medical tape. If a child cannot remove earrings themselves and take responsibility for these then these should be removed at home or covered in medical tape on PE days.