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Hever C of EPrimary School

Building the confidence and resilience to flourish

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Afterschool Care

Afterschool care is provided by the school and is available from 3.15 pm to 6 pm. Please book via ParentMail. Parents can either pay up online or via the Government's Tax-free Childcare scheme. All children receive a snack when they arrive at afterschool club and there is an option to have food provided by Pollen Partnership. Food is served at 4.45 pm. Please see the attached menu for further details.


Current prices are:

3.15-4.15 pm - £6

3.15-5.15 pm  - £12 (without food)

3.15-5.15 pm - £13 (with food) 

3.15-6.00 pm - £18 (without food)

3.15-6.00 pm - £19 (with food)
