Our Christian Values
Christian Values
The fifteen church school values underpin our Christian worship and school life:
Creation; Compassion; Endurance; Forgiveness; Friendship
Humility; Hope; Justice; Koinonia; Peace
Reverence; Service; Thankfulness; Trust; Wisdom
Our School Values
Our school vision, centered on the story of Jesus Walks on the Water (Matthew 14: 22-33), sets high expectations for our whole school community to challenge and support each other to:
- demonstrate our value of BELONGING treating everyone with respect and courtesy
- have the COURAGE to try and the determination to PERSEVERE
- build TRUST by being honest and thoughtful
- show COMPASSION through acts of kindness and forgiveness
Pupils of all faiths and none are welcome at our school. Our pupils have many enriching experiences to help them develop as independent learners and build a lifelong love of learning. The distinctive nature of our approach to education can be found in our school values which link to the Christian values. We expect the whole school community of pupils, staff, parents, and governors to share these values.
Visitors to our school comment on the happy, confident pupils, their exemplary behaviour and their care and concern for each other and the wider world. They also note the excellent role models in the staff, volunteers and clergy who contribute so much to the school. School policies and practice are moulded around these values and are reflected in the learning environment.
While a shared Christian ethos permeates all our teaching and learning, there are two particular areas that are important to us as a Church School: Collective Worship and Religious Education lessons.
How do our Christian values influence the life of the whole school?
Through emphasis on our Christian distinctiveness, we are a school community that demonstrates God’s love through our words and actions. Our values underpin our day-to-day lives, which results in excellent behaviour, a readiness to learn and a caring school community. Our values are linked to our behaviour policy, which is embedded throughout the school. Pupils understand the expectations that we have for their behaviour and they treat others with respect and consideration. Pupils are fully involved in the life of the school as are faith team leaders, school councillors, lunchtime helpers and sports leaders, and they play an active part in the smooth running of the school community.
Pupils’ spiritual development is strong and contributes to their positive attitude and enjoyment of learning. All staff are committed to helping the children fulfil their potential in all subject areas. As it is a small school, all the staff know all the children in their care very well. They are aware of their academic, emotional and spiritual development and needs. Pupils are encouraged to give feedback about all aspects of their school life and their views are listened to and acted upon by school staff and leadership.
The school learning environment strongly reflects the ethos and values of the school. Our Christian ethos is built on the genuine commitment of the whole school community to our values, which are lived out in the day-to-day life of the school..
We were assessed as Good in our most recent SIAMS inspection.