Our Vision and Values
Our Vision, Values and Mission Statement
Education is one of the greatest opportunities that we can give young people to help achieve life long benefits.
Our role as Governors is to support and challenge the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), to ensure the very best educational outcomes for the pupils at Hever Primary School and to promote the school's mission to educate, inspire and enrich our children following God's guidance.
The test of good teaching is to deliver the achievement of expected, or better than expected rates of progress for all pupils. We are fortunate to have a very capable and dedicated teaching team who work extremely hard to make this happen.
The test of good governance is to provide strategic support and guidance to the SLT, to monitor academic performance and financial management, and to challenge the SLT with incisive questions. We believe that our committed and enthusiastic Governing Body has the correct skills to deliver this.
Our purpose is to safeguard the proper management of the school, and to support and challenge the staff to educate, inspire and enrich the children.
In particular this involves:
- Setting the School’s vision and strategic aim
- Monitoring, evaluating and challenging
- Ensuring accountability to all stakeholders, including pupils, parents and staff
Our vision:
To offer an outstanding all-round education to our children, supported by a shared Christian ethos of belonging, courage, perseverance, trust and compassion
Our values:
- We are committed guardians of the Christian vision and values of the school.
- We place great importance on our Christian ethos and encourage worship within a framework of acceptance and understanding of other religions.
- We value the education of character as much as academic achievement to help develop confidence, self-motivation and a desire to learn.
- We believe that enrichment activities are an important part of the curriculum to develop happy, well-behaved children who are considerate and caring to one another.
We also strongly adhere to the principles of:
- Fostering a positive and independent learning attitude and an enquiring mind.
- Encouraging all pupils to have a love of learning and to develop their creativity in order to reach their full potential.
- Helping each child to become a valuable and responsible member of the community.
- Ensuring that all children know that God values and loves them as individuals.
We will achieve our mission by:
- Providing support and guidance and a strong strategic perspective to build a solid future for the school, and to secure it's future viability both financially and academically
- Ensuring that the SLT meets the needs and demands of the changing educational landscape and to efficiently make use of the resources available
- Promoting clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Challenging expectations and results and to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, the well being of the staff and safeguarding of the pupils
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school, to ensure our financial resources are effectively and efficiently used to maximise impact and value for money
- Critically reviewing and challenging school improvement and development plans, and monitoring their impact
- Narrowing achievement gaps for those pupils at risk of poor outcomes, and ensuring that additional teaching and use of the Pupil Premium has impact and delivers results for all it's targeted pupils
- Striving to improve our own skills as Governors through training and supportive teamwork, as well as challenging our own personal impact
- Making sure that our team of Governors has not only the skills, but also the time and enthusiasm to be an effective Governing Body, and to provide for succession
Our team of Governors is committed to achieving our Mission:
To work as a team to oversee delivery of a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum in a safe and happy environment designed to educate, inspire and enrich our children, and characterised by kindness, compassion and tolerance.