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Hever C of EPrimary School

Building the confidence and resilience to flourish

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SIAMS is the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodists Schools

SIAMS plays an important role in the improvement of Church schools by evaluating how the school is living up to its foundation as a Church school. With a key focus on impact, the inspection process explores ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives the work of the school, enabling pupils and adults to flourish.


Our vision

Building the confidence and resilience to flourish.


Our vision is to offer your child an outstanding educational experience through promoting our core values:  


Belonging - Courage - Perseverance - Trust - Compassion


Our SIAMS inspection took place in November 2024. It found that Hever Church of England VA Primary School is living up to its foundation as a Church school and is enabling pupils and adults to flourish. 


It has the following notable strengths:


  • Leaders are unfailingly committed to the flourishing of pupils, adults and the wider community. The Christian vision drives decisions and actions.
  • Relationships, built on trust, are key at Hever school. There is genuine compassion between pupils and adults which supports their flourishing.
  • Strong partnerships between church and school unite each in their mission to be a Christian witness to the community they serve. The vision gives others the opportunity to ‘step out of the boat’ and try new things.
  • Collective worship strongly underpins the Christian vision and values, and thoughtful adaptations are made to suit the context of the school.
  • The ambitious curriculum, along with considerate decisions about how pupils learn, is shaped by the vision. This builds pupils’ confidence and resilience.