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Hever C of EPrimary School

Building the confidence and resilience to flourish

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School Meals

Emma's Kitchen has arrived at Hever Primary School!


Emma's Kitchen is a business built from a love and passion of wanting to improve the quality and experience of notoriously poor school lunches. Emma and her team strive to provide the very best in school dinners.


All of their food is made from scratch on site and our menus exceed the current Government School Food Plan.


Jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings are available every day alongside a substantial salad bar which will be available for the children to enjoy their favourite vegetables and also try new and exciting flavours!



Emma's Kitchen currently caters for GlutenFree and Dairy Free Children, but please contact them to discuss any dietary requirements that your child may have. Please email:

Check out our website for latest menus and their 'Recipe of the week':


School meals are free for children in reception, year 1 and year 2. Meals cost £2.30 for KS2 children. Please book your child's meal in advance via ParentMail.


Please see this term's menu below. NB the menu starts on Week 1 at the start of every new half term.


Emma's Kitchen's Weekly Menus

