PSHE at Hever
At Hever, we follow the Jigsaw scheme of learning, this a mindfulness whole school approach to PSHE. The learning is structured to provide the development of knowledge and skills, with application of these to the children’s lives within and beyond school. The programme is planned and sequenced, demonstrating a spiral learning progression (see link below).
Jigsaw Programme
The whole school works on the same learning theme at the same time. Jigsaw’s wide range of child-centred activities ensures the learning is enjoyable for all pupils. The learning within Jigsaw is challenging and allows children to focus on ‘the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life’.
Jigsaw is inclusive and allows pupils of all abilities and from all backgrounds, to participate and learn. This in turn helps the children to understand and navigate a rapidly changing 21st Century world. Citizenship, at school, community, national and global levels are integral to the lessons, as is personal development, creativity and celebrating achievement.
Relationships is a ‘golden thread’ within Jigsaw including relationship with self and others. Children learn about rights and responsibilities to themselves and others. Children develop a high degree of empathy and social skills. In the Being Me in my World and Dreams and Goals Puzzle, children focus on their attitudes towards learning, motivation and resilience. The Celebrating Difference Puzzle explores differences across the spectrum of global society, prejudice and discrimination, acceptance and understanding. Anti-bullying is also core focus in this particular unit.
Over the academic year, children follow the following themes
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Difference
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me
In addition to the Jigsaw scheme, Hever are a Unicef Rights Respecting School. This means that children are encouraged to understand, discuss and participate in events and fundraising surrounding the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child, whilst recognising their place as a global citizens.